Hooting repeatedly, seemingly from a particular tree. Yet you’ve never been able to spot the owl, try as you may.
It’s probably a great horned owl, Peggy Chase will tell you. It is expert at camouflaging itself in trees. It is a fierce predator, a nighttime hunter with crazy-good vision and powerful talons that can swoop down and snatch prey the size of a skunk off the ground. It can carry three times its weight – it might even be responsible for a missing cat in your neighborhood.
It’s one of seven types of raptors birds of prey that reside around Orange County, where sick or injured birds are taken for rehabilitation at the Orange County Bird of Prey Center in Lake Forest.

“The majority of the birds that come through our facility we are able to release back into the wild,” said Chase, the nonprofit center’s lead educator.Raptors that arrive at the all-volunteer center suffering from disabling injuries or handicaps so severe that they would never survive being released into the wild are either euthanized, cared for permanently or transferred to another facility, Chase told a recent audience at the visitor center of San Clemente State Park.

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