The mother said, ‘It is embarrassing and confusing and humiliating. When you are around children you feel like a pervert because you have all these really strong feelings rushing through your body at the same time. So if imagine you can’t help out in class or go on school trips because the kids don’t understand, the parents don’t understand. Even doing the school run is a worry because the arousal will build and build and I just have to stay in the car until it is over or try and mask it.’It has devastated my involvement in my son’s life because I feel too dirty to be a part of it. We want him to be a normal kid but at the same time he can’t have friends around because mom has this condition.
The worst thing is I can’t explain it to him because he’s too young.’ Three years ago she suddenly developed the condition while grocery shopping. She suddenly found herself aroused by everything she saw, smelt and touched while she was walking through the store.
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