Lucky Dates Jessy” is a Nepali Short Film which is based on the first date of two young boy and girl and their expectation. This latest movie is directed by Prakash. He hs presented this short film in a comic and funny way.This short movie is also based on some of the reality of our society. Prakash himself has done the screenplay, cinematography and editing of this movie. Prakash KC has done the assistant director.

Dipendra Saud and Swornima Shrestha has been featured in this movie as a Lucky and Jessy. Lucky is a guy who has been addicted in the social site Facebook. He go for facebook whole day and tries to impress many girls with good pictures , mainly who seems like a rich girl. He sends a request to them and have a chat with them. In this time, Lucky send a request to another girl who seems beautiful and rich girl with name Jessy.

Jessy is a lso from a middle class who believes on hifi look and appearance. She got a request from Lucky and she believes that he is rich guy with his profile picture and accept him. They starts to chat and Lucky asked to date out if she wants. Jessy is a girl who loves to shopping. She dreams of having a lot of shopping with him and visit in a R15 bike and says yes. But when they meet each other reality seems different. They both were far from from the expectation.However, Lucky seems to tackle Jessy with his talk on his flaws.Bikram and Sandip has done a special apperance on this short film.

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